Project Summary
Inter-Connect PLUS will tap into Inter-Connect project legacy and efficiently embed and tackle 'newcomers' (risks mitigation, challenges confronting & also opportunities - arising from the European Green Deal and other initiatives on the programming period 2021-2027 - seizing) in the next day of passengers' transportation in ADRION Region. COVID-19 pandemic outbreak was undoubtedly a shock event that, from March 2020, has much influenced our daily lives, not leaving aside our transportation habits. A large-scale experiment took place during the ‘hard’ months of March-May 2020, continuing up to the present with variations. Managing travel demand while respecting new protocols seems to be an unlocking tool for sustainable and well-connected areas since ‘back to normality’ carries risks; private cars are there after lockdowns returning or even, in some cases worsening, congestion and pollution levels.
Inter-Connect PLUS comes exactly at this crucial moment, the moment of transformation for ADRION Region’s connectivity starting from the intra areas mobility and going up to transnational links. It builds on Inter-Connect first generation results and brings them one step ahead by adding the knowledge and experience gained from the pandemic – it revitalizes Inter-Connect laboratories (Igoumenitsa – Region of Epirus GR, Bologna – Region Emilia Romagna IT, Trieste – Friuli Venezia Region IT, Ljubljana – SL, Zagreb – HR, Durres - AL) focusing on incorporating the new norms (COVID-19 related policies and practices resulting) into Inter-Connect Roadmap (project strategy upgrade), revising pilots (new pilot actions) and guaranteeing the intense targeted communication of the results to national/regional/local stakeholders and citizens (updated communication strategy, Inter-Connect network mobilization, ADRION clusters interface, a sequel of interlinked public events). Joint reflection (during capacity building activities, via Inter-Connect toolkit update and Roadmap promotion) on intermodal public and active transport based passengers’ mobility is estimated to trigger investment in real long lasting actions for strengthening area’s connectivity, cohesion and convergence with pioneer EU countries.
Inter-Connect PLUS comes exactly at this crucial moment, the moment of transformation for ADRION Region’s connectivity starting from the intra areas mobility and going up to transnational links. It builds on Inter-Connect first generation results and brings them one step ahead by adding the knowledge and experience gained from the pandemic – it revitalizes Inter-Connect laboratories (Igoumenitsa – Region of Epirus GR, Bologna – Region Emilia Romagna IT, Trieste – Friuli Venezia Region IT, Ljubljana – SL, Zagreb – HR, Durres - AL) focusing on incorporating the new norms (COVID-19 related policies and practices resulting) into Inter-Connect Roadmap (project strategy upgrade), revising pilots (new pilot actions) and guaranteeing the intense targeted communication of the results to national/regional/local stakeholders and citizens (updated communication strategy, Inter-Connect network mobilization, ADRION clusters interface, a sequel of interlinked public events). Joint reflection (during capacity building activities, via Inter-Connect toolkit update and Roadmap promotion) on intermodal public and active transport based passengers’ mobility is estimated to trigger investment in real long lasting actions for strengthening area’s connectivity, cohesion and convergence with pioneer EU countries.
Restricted fourth call for proposals – Priority Axes 1, 2 and 3
Project Acronym
Inter-Connect PLUS
Project Number
Programme Priority
3) Connected Region
Specific objective
Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2022-01-01 – 2022-06-30
Total budget
EUR 173,400.00
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
EUR 14,917.50
IPAII budget
Project Social media
The Project Inter-Connect PLUS is a follow-up of the previous funded project Inter-Connect, if you want to learn more about its genesis, original proposal and partnership, you can click on the button below.
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner

Department of European Programmes
Contact person
Mr. Pantelis Karapiperis,

Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat
Office for European Projects
via Genova, 9 | 34121 – Trieste
Contact person
Mr. Paolo Dileno,
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), Sector B: Smart sustainable
Mobility - Freight Transport - Networks
6th km Charilaou – Thermi Road, - | 57001 – Thermi - Thessaloniki
Contact person
Ms. Glykeria Myrovali,

HZ Passenger Transport Ltd.
Strojarska cesta, 11 | 10000 – Zagreb
Contact person
Mr. Renato Humić,

Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation
Viale Aldo Moro, 38 | 40127 – Bologna
Contact person
Mr. Giuseppe Luppino,

Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy
Bulevard “Deshmoret eKombit”, - | 1001 – Tirana
Contact person
Ms. Edesa Gega,
Regional development agency of Ljubljana urban region
Tehnološki park, 19 | 1000 – Ljubljana
Contact person
Mr. Klemen Gostič ,
Project Summary
Lagging behind Central&Northern Europe in terms of growth and economic development, ADRION’s countries should stimulate the take up of innovative strategies and smart solutions so as to reach sustainability goals. Improving Region’s accessibility as indicated in EUSAIR strategy can be a decisive drive towards this objective. What is mainly missing, as proven by the failure past stories, is the capacity of key players & different decision making levels (local, national, transnational) to establish strong cooperation schemes able to enable the desired growth in a territory consisting of countries presenting great differentiations. Based on the principles of smart specialization, that is built on regional strengths, competitive advantages and cooperation, and following a well-defined forward-looking agenda towards passengers’ intermodality promotion and rail revitalization, transportation negative effects can be handled and environmental performance in the Region can be improved. ADRION should invest on passengers’ intermodality to revitalise itself; the unrelenting strong competition from the road sector should be balanced by the respective promotion of combined sea - rail alternatives. Building on the knowledge of previous projects, especially in RAIL4SEE, while drawing inspiration from ongoing innovative initiatives (e.g. North Adriatic Ports Association), Inter-Connect project seeks new solutions tailored to ADRION’s specificities for the promotion of intermodal transport and guides the respective actors on how to turn connectivity plans into reality. Hubs clustering, identification of current and future trip generating poles, user surveys for mobility needs and expectations understanding, mapping of drivers, cooperation schemes establishment, soft mobility measures (e.g. integrated ticketing, harmonized timetables&procedures)&funding opportunities examination, roadmap formulation constitute Inter-Connect approach.
Summing up, Inter-Connect project is estimated to boost intermodal PuT based (rail-sea) passenger transport in ADRION through;
Summing up, Inter-Connect project is estimated to boost intermodal PuT based (rail-sea) passenger transport in ADRION through;
- The identification of key players in mobility planning and the creation of a cooperation environment (Inter-Connect Transnational cooperation network) where experience and knowledge exchange will take place
- The development of common understanding of area’s needs, challenges, opportunities and treats and the reaching of an agreement among stakeholders for the direction towards which mobility planning should focus (Action Plan on ADRION intermodality arising from real needs understanding and flows analysis, Detailed Action Plan based on Inter-Connect cases examination outputs)
- The formulation of a strategic framework for enhancing intermodality in the area and the respective authorities training on how to implement and finance measures able to add on ADRION sustainability (Inter-Connect Strategy-Roadmap with measures in a hierarchical order)
Project Acronym
Project Number
Programme Priority
3) Connected Region
Specific objective
Enhance capacity for integrated transport and mobility services and multimodality in the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2018-01-01 – 2021-03-31
Total budget
EUR 1,604,192.38
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
EUR 1,141,135.51
IPAII budget
EUR 222,428.00
Project Social media
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner